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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific

Video Resource
Animated Video 2: Establishing an Environment Sector Working Group
The SPREP implemented and European Union funded PacWaste Plus programme recognises that Pacific Island countries are prone to disaster and climate risks, such as cyclones, landslides, flooding, drought, earthquakes and even tsunamis. Natural disasters are associated with the generation of large volumes of waste, damaging waste management facilities, and disruption to waste services, thus, posing a risk to public health through direct or vector-induced exposure.
The PacWaste Plus Team is implementing a regional project to establish Practitioner Guidelines that will assist Pacific Island countries to mainstream disaster waste management into national disaster management frameworks. The programme engaged the University of Newcastle to establish the following guidelines; Template for National Disaster Management Plan with Instruction Guideline, Guideline on the establishment of Environment Management Cluster and Standard Estimation Methodology on calculating volume of disaster waste.
PacWaste Plus has developed the following animation video as a part of a series, that inform users of the developed guidelines:
Animated Video 2: Establishing an Environment Sector Working Group

Video Resource
Animated Video 3: Standard Estimation Methodology on Calculating Disaster Waste Volume
The SPREP implemented and European Union funded PacWaste Plus programme recognises that Pacific Island countries are prone to disaster and climate risks, such as cyclones, landslides, flooding, drought, earthquakes and even tsunamis. Natural disasters are associated with the generation of large volumes of waste, damaging waste management facilities, and disruption to waste services, thus, posing a risk to public health through direct or vector-induced exposure.
The PacWaste Plus Team is implementing a regional project to establish Practitioner Guidelines that will assist Pacific Island countries to mainstream disaster waste management into national disaster management frameworks. The programme engaged the University of Newcastle to establish the following guidelines; Template for National Disaster Management Plan with Instruction Guideline, Guideline on the establishment of Environment Management Cluster and Standard Estimation Methodology on calculating volume of disaster waste.
PacWaste Plus has developed the following animation video as a part of a series, that inform users of the developed guidelines:
Animated Video 3: Calculating disaster waste volume and how to use the Standard Estimation Methodology on calculating disaster waste volume.

Technical Report
Solomon Islands Waste Audit Report
The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.

Programme Governance Document
Programme Steering Committee Meeting Report 2023
The Project Steering Committee is established to guide the development and implementation of the PacWaste Plus Programme, ensuring a fair and reasonable decision-making process for project priorities and funding allocations. The committee meets on an annual basis to discuss project activity and confirm forward activity for 12 months. After two years of virtual steering committee deliberations, the 2023 programme Steering Committee Meeting themed, “Turning Commitments into Action” and associated other programme Talanoa and capacity building sessions was held from April 26-28, 2023, in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. SPREP acknowledges the support of the Government of Cook Islands for hosting this important meeting through the Ministry of Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) as the meeting Chair and the financial support from EU to enable this meeting to enhance sustainable waste management efforts in the Pacific. This Steering Committee Meeting report contains discussion summaries from deliberations held during the 2023 programme steering committee meeting.

Research Report
Plastic Pollution Prevention in Timor-Leste: Gap Analysis of Current Legislation, Policies, and Plans
This report aims to provide insight into Timor-Leste's capacity to implement plastic pollution reduction measures by providing a gap analysis of its current legislation, plans and policies. This report was prepared by Els Steenhagen, Researcher Associate, Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources, The University of Newcastle, Australia; Dr Sascha Fuller, Pacific Engagement Coordinator, Research and Innovation Division, University of Newcastle, Australia; Associate Professor Trisia Farrelly Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre [PERC], New Zealand; Dr Stephanie Borrelle, Birdlife International; and Dr Ana Rengel-Goncalves, Newcastle Law School, The University of Newcastle, Australia.

Coordinated Approach for Waste Management in Niue
The proposed Niue Waste Management Bill is a legislative instrument designed to provide for a coordinated management of solid waste in Niue and will also form the basis for a Sustainable Financing Regulation, the proposed Niue Advanced Recovery Fee and Deposit system. The proposed Niue ARFD system is a legislative instrument designed to create a way to sustainably fund waste management and recycling.

Composting Common Organic Materials in the Pacific and Timor-Leste: Handbook for Compost Operators
This Handbook is part of a range of resources to assist Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste to divert organic materials from landfill into a beneficial use.. Use this Composting Handbook in combination with the other resources, published in our resource library, to guide all aspect of organics management, from choosing the appropriate management solution for your compost, operating your facility, and complying with recognised standards.

Animal Feed Factsheet 1
This factsheet is for decision-makers and private sector entrepreneurs considering the management of organics through the establishment of an animal feed system and provides information on recommended conditions, design features, equipment, and an overview of typical operations. This publication enables an informed decision on whether this solution is appropriate.

Mulch and Woodchip Factsheet 2
This factsheet is for decision-makers and private sector entrepreneurs considering the management of organics through the production of mulch or woodchips and provides information on recommended conditions, design features, equipment, and an overview of typical operations. This information is provided to enable an informed decision on whether this solution is appropriate.

Small Scale Composting Factsheet 3
This factsheet is intended for households, communities, or small-scale fruit and vegetable growers in the Pacific who seek to compost small quantities of organic materials (less than 100 kg or 2 wheelbarrows per week) in their own backyard, at a school, or in a shared community decentralised small-scale composting facility using simple tools and volunteer manual labour. This publication provides information on recommended conditions, design features, equipment, and an overview of typical operations to enable an informed decision on whether this solution is appropriate.

Small Scale Anaerobic Digestion Factsheet 4
This factsheet is for households, communities, or small businesses considering the management of organics through the establishment of a small-scale anaerobic digestion system. This publication provides information on recommended conditions, design features, equipment, and an overview of typical operations. This information is provided to enable an informed decision on whether this solution is appropriate.

Centralised Anerobic Digestion Dry Factsheet 5
This factsheet is for decision-makers and entrepreneurs considering the management of organics through the establishment of a large-scale anaerobic digestion system and provides information on recommended conditions, design features, equipment, and an overview of typical operations. This publication provides information to enable an informed decision on whether this solution is appropriate.
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