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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific

Asbestos Management Brief: COOK ISLANDS
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for Cook Islands to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.

End of Life Tyre Management: Thermal Processing Options
This Management Option Booklet explores possible reuse options for ELTs without processing. Several end-use markets exist to manage ELT such as Energy generation whereby ELT is used either whole or shredded straight into the kiln. shredded and used as fuel (TDF)

End of Life Tyre Management: Options for Mechanical Processing
This Management Option Booklet explores possible reuse options for ELTs without processing. The options presented here provide preliminary information designed to assist countries to understand immediately available opportunities.

End of Life Tyre Management: Non-Processing Reuse Options
This booklet explores several potential uses of ELT that do not require mechanical or thermal processing. The options presented here provide preliminary information designed to assist countries to understand immediately available opportunities.

End of Life Tyres (ELT)-Community Factsheet
Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have a high generation rate for ELT and extremely limited means for safe disposal. Several possible uses or processing options exist for ELTs (existing technologies, uses, processes, or management activities), and a research report and a series of publications seek to assess each use or option for suitability in the Pacific and highlight the associated benefits and potential issues with its implementation.

Technical Report
RMI Waste Audit Report
The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.

Personal Protective Equipment: Guidance for Waste Management Workers in Pacific Island Countries
The information presented in this publication summarizes international best practices. In case of a conflict in interpretation, the country's actual policies and regulations in which PPE is to be worn should apply.

Recycling Market: Summary Booklet
This booklet is intended as an entry point for Pacific Island Countries (PICs) to improve waste export activities and enable access to international markets. It includes a summary of six different waste types, with more details available in the Recycling Market Research Report.

Waste to Energy Information Booklet
Further information is provided in a full Advanced Waste Technology Research Report, with this Information Booklet providing a high-level summary. The full Research Report provides more context for waste generation and renewable energy targets, along with case studies and examples of each type of technology viewed as applicable to the Pacific region and Timor Leste.

Technical Report
Waste to Energy Research Report
This Waste to Energy Research Report, along with a summary presented in an Information Booklet, will provide Pacific Island countries government decision-makers, technical specialists, and interested community members, with an overview of options, an analysis of their potential applicability for large population centres, remote islands, and atoll nations.
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