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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Samoa Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Samoa PacWaste Plus project.

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Solomon Islands Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Solomon Islands PacWaste Plus project.

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Timor-Leste Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Timor-Leste PacWaste Plus project.

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Tonga Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Tonga PacWaste Plus project.

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Tuvalu Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Tuvalu PacWaste Plus project.

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Vanuatu Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Vanuatu PacWaste Plus project.

Regional Waste Audit Analysis Report
This waste data analysis and reporting for the Pacific Regional Waste Audit Analysis Report was guided by the overarching Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting (DCMR) Framework for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICT). The implementation of the DCMR Framework ensures that waste data is collected, analysed, and reported in a consistent and reliable way across the Pacific.
Building on this data overtime ensures the PICTs possess the necessary information to enact effective waste management and informed decision-making.
It allows a data driven approach to justifying investment targets (i.e., for investment in waste and recycling education, programs and infrastructure) and identifying priority needs in each country and across the region.

Video Resource
Animated Video: The Moana Taka Partnership
Like the rest of the world, small Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) have adopted consumption-based lifestyles that are heavily dependent on the importation of a large variety and volume of external goods and inputs, including petroleum, machinery, cars, materials, manufactured goods, and even basic foodstuffs.
These imports and associated packaging generate pollution, in the form of solid waste and hazardous materials, including plastics, waste oil, chemicals, electronic waste (e-waste), and bio-medical wastes. With extremely limited land-area, shallow groundwater aquifers and limited waste management infrastructure and technical capacity, dealing with pollution and waste is a major environmental challenge for PICTs.
In March 2018 international shipping company China Navigation Company Pte Ltd – since renamed as Swire Shipping Pte. Ltd (www.swireshipping.com), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), for the ‘Moana Taka’ (ocean waste) Partnership (MTP). The MTP was conceived at the Second UN Environment Assembly and facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for improving the management of waste within PICTs, by facilitating the shipping of wastes that are hard to manage within the Pacific, including obsolete vehicles, unwanted chemicals (e.g., ozone-depleting substances), waste plastics and e-waste.
MTP helps alleviate the burden of waste on islands in the Pacific by utilising Swire Shipping vessels to fill empty shipping containers to transport non-commercial recyclable waste from islands. This waste is transported to countries with appropriate waste disposal facilities, ensuring that everything from oil to plastics to aerosols are properly recycled.
This partnership is a critical partnership that facilitates a circular economy, by providing access to waste and recycling infrastructure abroad. PacWaste Plus seeks to increase participation in the Moana Taka Partnership by participating countries and encourage members who are serviced by Swire Shipping to investigate the possibility of using MTP to move stockpiles of non-commercial waste.

Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring and Reporting Framework
A Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting (DCMR) Framework that provides a standardised approach for monitoring and reporting waste data for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) and the region. The DCMR Framework has been developed to ensure waste data is collected, analysed, and reported in a consistent and reliable way across the Pacific.
Building on this data overtime ensures the PICTs possess the necessary information to enact effective informed decision making on waste management. It allows a data driven approach to justifying investment targets (i.e., for investment in waste and recycling education, programs, and infrastructure), identifying priority needs in each country and across the region while meeting national legislated and obligated reporting requirements

Decision Support Tool- Choosing Organics Solution
Use this Decision Support Tool as a starting point to understand what type and size of organics management processing may be appropriate for your context.
To use this tool effectively, you will need to gather the following information:
Weight of organic material to be processed
Estimation of "Carbon" v "Nitrogen" ratio of the organic materials to be processed
Main source of Nitrogen material
Budget available for establishing facilities and equipment
Budget is available for ongoing operations (excluding labour)
Labour (staff and volunteers) availability
Level training of staff or volunteers
Level of workshop support for equipment maintenance and servicing
Understanding of sensitivity of surrounding area
The Decision Support Tool provides guidance for obtaining the answers to these questions.
Once you have answered the nine questions, click on the RESULTS tab to identify the possible Organics Management Solutions for your context. Visit the PacWaste Plus Organics Resources page to review your possible organics management solution (or solutions) and further consider its suitability for your context.
If you have very specific constraints for your site, for example, a very small land area available or very constrained budget, this tool may not provide an appropriate solution. Please reach out to the PacWaste Plus team to discuss your needs.

Resource Template
Waste Management Decision Support Tool
The Decision Support Tool is designed to guide decision-makers through a balanced high-level self-assessment of issues that will influence decision making. The DST poses a series of questions on Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Legal and Economic (PESTLE) factors affecting the initiative in question. Each issue is scored whether the outcomes are positive or negative. The DST summarises responses and provides a graphical representation of the total forces for and against the initiative for each PESTLE category allowing for a quick and intuitive overview of relative benefits and weaknesses of the initiative.

Video Resource
Animated Video 1: The Need For A Disaster Management Plan
The SPREP implemented and European Union funded PacWaste Plus programme recognises that Pacific Island countries are prone to disaster and climate risks, such as cyclones, landslides, flooding, drought, earthquakes and even tsunamis. Natural disasters are associated with the generation of large volumes of waste, damaging waste management facilities, and disruption to waste services, thus, posing a risk to public health through direct or vector-induced exposure.
The PacWaste Plus Team is implementing a regional project to establish Practitioner Guidelines that will assist Pacific Island countries to mainstream disaster waste management into national disaster management frameworks. The programme engaged the University of Newcastle to establish the following guidelines; Template for National Disaster Management Plan with Instruction Guideline, Guideline on the establishment of Environment Management Cluster and Standard Estimation Methodology on calculating volume of disaster waste.
PacWaste Plus has developed the following animation video as a part of a series, that inform users of the developed guidelines:
Animated Video 1: The Need to have a National Disaster Management Plan
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