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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific
Waste Technology Management Options
Assessment of Small-Scale Technology Suitable for Waste Management in the Pacific and Timor-Leste
This report summarises the most appropriate waste management technologies with consideration to the inherent constraints of the Pacific island region. The waste streams investigated are Hazardous Waste: Health care waste, E-waste, Asbestos, Solid waste: Recyclables, Organic waste, Disaster waste, Bulky waste, Wastewater: Water impacted by Solid Waste. It outlines the context, the methodology adopted, presents the key findings and recommendations. This research focused on investigating the range of technology options and providers for the priority waste streams. The technologies identified were deemed capable of assisting with the management of one or more of the priority waste streams.
Project Management Tools
A Guide to Developing “SMART” Objectives
This basic guide for developing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) Objectives is designed to provide further guidance to country focal points as they develop in-country concept investments for PacWastePlus supported projects and activities.
Project Management Tools
A Guide for Developing an Investigative Questioning Process
The process of investigative questioning, or inquiry, assists project managers to ask questions of individuals or groups, who know something, or a lot, about a particular area of interest to the interviewer. It is also about finding out information or needs on a subject which can be used to benefit those stakeholders/individuals e.g. through a project planning process. This publication provides initial guidance on the various investigative questioning processes that can be utilised.
Project Management Tools
Developing A Project Logic: A Guide for Project Design
For PacWastePlus it is expected that all teams designing activities will have developed some form of project logic in participation with their implementing partners. This will demonstrate the logic of your collaborative thinking and design, and clearly articulate the changes to which you hope to contribute. Project logic provides the basis for planning and implementing monitoring and evaluation at the project level.
Project Management Tools
Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: A Guide for Project Designs
Building a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan for a project assists to deliver the intended outcome, and if not, it should help you understand which elements should be modified to assist with delivering a successful project. This publication provides guidance on how to develop an M&E plan for not only PacWastePlus country projects but can also be used as a resource tool during the development of other donor-funded country projects as well.
Programme Governance Document
PacWastePlus Steering Committee Meeting Report 2021
The 2021 Steering Committee Meeting was held as a virtual event (zoom meeting) due to the continued travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Due to the online meeting format, the steering committee meeting was a focused 3.5-hour meeting that provided high-level discussions on activities. The following report provides a summary of discussions and provides details of the various project activities presented at the meeting.
Programme Governance Document
PacWastePlus Steering Committee Report 2020
The Project Steering Committee met in 2020 and was facilitated by the PacWastePlus Project Management Unit from the 10th - 12th February 2020. The following report provides details of discussions and provides details of the priorities identified by the countries present for the meeting.
Programme Governance Document
PacWastePlus Inception Meeting 2019
The 2019 Inception meeting provided the opportunity for an inaugural gathering of all country representatives, and the programme staff to come together to discuss the programme and determine how they would collectively like to see actions occur. The two-day meeting was a success as country and CROP representatives were able to actively contribute to discussions, provide feedback on the past project and how they would like to see things operate differently in the PacWastePlus programme, and provide the programme staff with high-level guidance on the priorities and needs of their countries. The report provides a summary of the discussions and provides details of the discussions and priorities identified by the countries present for the meeting.
Technical Report
Waste Audit Methodology: A Common Approach
A step-by-step manual for conducting comprehensive country waste audits in SIDs.
Over the course of 2018–19, it has also become apparent that there are a number of organisations currently working in this space with very similar requirements for waste data. Therefore, based on waste audits commissioned by PRIF in Tuvalu, a waste audit methodology has been developed that incorporates the materials required for national baseline data collection for the following projects as a minimum:
SPREP – PacWastePlus, PRIF – Regional Recycling Network, EU – EDF11, CCOA – Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance, World Bank – Regional Recycling Network, and UNEP – GEF
This report presents a comprehensive data collection methodology that makes provision for the data collection requirements for the above projects.
Waste Legislative Review
Stocktake of Existing and Pipeline Waste Legislation in Vanuatu
This report contains the University of Melbourne (UoM) team’s findings relating to a stocktake of the existing legislative environment for waste management in the participating countries, focusing on the PacWastePlus priority waste streams of healthcare waste, asbestos, e-waste, plastic waste, recyclables, organics, disaster waste, bulky waste and wastewater, and including implementing legislation for the following multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs): Waigani, Basel, Stockholm, Rotterdam, and Minamata. It also includes a stocktake of pipeline legislative initiatives in the participating countries, including an assessment of their impact and approximate timeframe for development. This report provides details on a stocktake of existing and pipeline Waste Legislations in Vanuatu.
File Size: 2MB, 14 pages PDF document
Programme Governance Document
PacWaste Plus Programme Inception Meeting Report 2019
The PacWaste Plus programme Inception meeting provided all country representatives, and the programme staff to come together and discuss the programme and determine how they would collectively like to see actions occur. The two day meeting was a success as country and CROP representatives were able to actively contribute to discussions, provide feedback on the past project and how they would like to see things operate differently in the PacWastePlus project, and provide the programme staff with high level guidance on the priorities and needs of their countries. The following report provides a summary of discussions and provides details of the discussions and priorities identified by the countries present for the meeting.
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