Country Project

The Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation seeks to utilise PacWastePlus support (in combination with J-PRISM II) to develop and implement a suitable Sustainable Financing system (Product Stewardship Scheme) to facilitate collection and recycling of recoverable items and divert them from landfill and stopping environmental pollution.

Project Description
Current situation
Waste received at the main Bouffa landfill is comprised of up to 35% beverage containers products (aluminium, PET, glass). Beverage containers are also commonly seen as litter and in informal stockpiles or burnt by communities in pits.
What is the Vanuatu Project About?
Vanuatu has been working towards a Product Stewardship Scheme since 2017 through support from other donors. The DEPC seek for PacWastePlus, in partnership with other donors such as J-PRISM II and GEF ISLANDS, to support select components of this pathway:
• Complete effective national community consultation on the draft legislation (including the development of innovative consultation materials – such as the use of local theatre/comedy groups)
• Develop documents/resources to guide the effective operation of the Product Stewardship Scheme
• Host legacy waste buy-back events
• Develop long-term communications plan to ensure all stakeholders understand and are participating in the PSS
Future Situation
Vanuatu seeks to have the Sustainable Financing scheme operating effectively achieving environmental, economic, and social benefits:
• Community handing in recyclable items and receiving their deposits back as a reward; resulting in the diversion of waste from landfill, and reduction
in litter and burning which will have positive benefits on biodiversity, the terrestrial and marine environment, and air quality
• Operation of a safe and sustainable system for the recovery, recycling, and export of recoverable items, without reliance on government funds
• Vulnerable groups and individuals in the community collecting recyclable items and using deposits to supplement their income
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Research Report
Vanuatu National Waste Audit Analysis Report
This Waste data collation, analysis and reporting for the Vanuatu National Waste Audit Analysis Report was guided by the overarching Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting (DCMR) Framework for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICT).

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Vanuatu Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Vanuatu PacWaste Plus project.

Asbestos Management Brief: VANUATU
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for Vanuatu to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.
Frequently asked questions
- By 2023, have a legislative environment in Vanuatu that provides for an effective Resource Recovery Programme for managing organics and recyclables – including the long-term operation of a Sustainable Financing system
- By 2023, have the Resource Recovery Programme commenced with pilot facilities (at central government and community levels) in place and operating effectively to divert organic and recyclable waste from landfill
- By 2023, have targeted markets and communities participating in the effective management of recyclable and organic materials. Results from pilot facilities will be shared with all levels of governments and communities in all provinces.
- Changed global consumption patterns; to a disposable society
- Limited ability to manage waste in a sustainable way – limited programs for recovery of recyclables and organic wastes
- Reliance on disposal at landfill, dumping, and burning – Some communities do not currently have waste collection services
- A sustainable Financing system established providing a self-funded recycling industry
- Pilot organics facility in operation diverting 90% of Vila market organics from landfill
- Pilot recyclable collection depots in operation at each main Port in Vanuatu, diverting 75% of recyclable items from province dumps
- Pilot community waste facilities in operation diverting 90% of organic and recyclable materials from community dumps
- Results from pilot facilities shared throughout Vanuatu to enable the development or enhance waste recovery programmes