Country Project
Republic of Marshall Islands

The overflowing Jable–Batkan dumpsite in Majuro is an urgent problem for waste management faced in the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI). RMI have requested PacWastePlus support to introduce a programme to divert the largest two components of waste - organics (17%) and paper/cardboard (22%) - from landfill and instead be processed and transported to an existing organic facility.

Project Description
Current situation
Without viable options for recovery/recycling, the RMI has relied primarily on the disposal of waste to dumps – the main dumpsite at Jable–Batkan in Majuro. This dumpsite has long exceeded its design capacity with waste now pushed up to 17m high against a seawall on the ocean side of the atoll.
What is the RMI Project About?
The proposed project will include:
• Construction of a shed to the dedication of a portion of the landfill site as organic and paper/card processing
• Equipment to shred items (either during collection or upon arrival at landfill site) to reduce their volume and complete initial step for composting
• System to transport materials for processing at a composting facility
• Training for composting facility operators
• Bag and sale of compost to the community
Future Situation
The RMI EPA seek for this project to:
• increase the lifespan of a recently constructed temporary landfill by ~40%
• providing compost for communities
• providing a showcase for organics management on Majuro with the results and resources shared with other islands in the RMI
• provide an alternate income for the waste management company
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Research Report
Republic of Marshall Islands National Waste Audit Analysis Report
This Waste data collation, analysis and reporting for the RMI National Waste Audit Analysis Report was guided by the overarching Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting (DCMR) Framework for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICT).

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Republic of the Marshall Islands Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Republic of Marshall Islands PacWaste Plus project.

Asbestos Management Brief: RMI
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for RMI to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.
Frequently Asked Questions
- By 2022, have a legislative environment in the RMI – including the implementation and long-term operation of a Products Stewardship Scheme – that provides for the cohesive, coordinated, and self-funded management of target items
- By 2023, increase the capacity at RMI recycling facilities to enable the efficient collection, processing, and recycling/export of target items (TBD – ULABs, tyres, bulky wastes, e-waste, paper/card, organics)
- By 2023, have households and communities participating ineffective management of waste in the RMI, including participation in the Products Stewardship Scheme
The core issue for waste management in RMI is the lack of viable options for recovery/recycling and the few circular solutions for waste management in place. The EPA understands that if a solution to the core issue is not found they will be faced with the same problem when the temporary landfills also reach capacity.
- Implement PSS to provide a solution to collect and export bulky and electronic wastes
- Widen the range of materials successfully recovered and recycled/exported from RMI
- Reduce waste to landfill by 50%
- Have the community understand best practices for waste management