Stocktake of Existing and Pipeline Waste Legislation in Tonga
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- Authors
- PacWastePlus, Melbourne Law School at the University of Melbourne, Australia, with technical assistance from Monash University
- Regional project
- N/A
- Country project
- Tonga
- Document type
- Waste Legislative Review
- Abstract
This report contains the University of Melbourne (UoM) team’s findings relating to a stocktake of the existing legislative environment for waste management in the participating countries, focusing on the PacWastePlus priority waste streams of healthcare waste, asbestos, e-waste, plastic waste, recyclables, organics, disaster waste, bulky waste and wastewater, and including implementing legislation for the following multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs): Waigani, Basel, Stockholm, Rotterdam, and Minamata. It also includes a stocktake of pipeline legislative File Size: 4.0MB, 60 pages PDF document initiatives in the participating countries, including an assessment of their impact and approximate timeframe for development.
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