
Waste Audit Methodology: A Common Approach

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SPREP – PacWastePlus, PRIF – Regional Recycling Network, EU – EDF11, CCOA – Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance, World Bank – Regional Recycling Network, and UNEP – GEF
Regional project
Country project
Document type
Technical Report
A step-by-step manual for conducting comprehensive country waste audits in SIDs.

Over the course of 2018–19, it has also become apparent that there are a number of organisations currently working in this space with very similar requirements for waste data. Therefore, based on waste audits commissioned by PRIF in Tuvalu, a waste audit methodology has been developed that incorporates the materials required for national baseline data collection for the following projects as a minimum:

SPREP – PacWastePlus, PRIF – Regional Recycling Network, EU – EDF11, CCOA – Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance, World Bank – Regional Recycling Network, and UNEP – GEF

This report presents a comprehensive data collection methodology that makes provision for the data collection requirements for the above projects.
  • waste-audit-methodology-common-approach.pdf