Timor Leste Project Profile – Health Care Waste Management: Improving long term management of healthcare waste
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- Authors
- PacWastePlus
- Regional project
- N/A
- Country project
- Timor-Leste
- Document type
- Factsheet
- Abstract
- The exposure to wastes generated in health care facilities has direct health impacts on the community, the personnel working in healthcare facilities, and the environment. Poorly handled medical wastes by health care professionals, and waste management personnel have led to an elevated chance of disease and sickness. Improper management of healthcare wastes (through open burning) on land adjacent to hospitals leads to large areas of contaminated land, unusable for other purposes, and needing remediation. The National Directorate for the Environment under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Environment and the Ministry of Health seeks to utilise PacWastePlus funds to implement several interconnected activities to improve long-term management of healthcare waste in Timor Leste.
- Attachments