
Plastic Pollution Prevention in Timor-Leste: Gap Analysis of Current Legislation, Policies, and Plans

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The University of Newcastle, Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre and PacWastePlus
Regional project
Country project
Document type
Research Report
This report aims to provide insight into Timor-Leste's capacity to implement plastic pollution reduction measures by providing a gap analysis of its current legislation, plans and policies. This report was prepared by Els Steenhagen, Researcher Associate, Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources, The University of Newcastle, Australia; Dr Sascha Fuller, Pacific Engagement Coordinator, Research and Innovation Division, University of Newcastle, Australia; Associate Professor Trisia Farrelly Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre [PERC], New Zealand; Dr Stephanie Borrelle, Birdlife International; and Dr Ana Rengel-Goncalves, Newcastle Law School, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
  • Gap-Analysis-of-Plastic-Pollution-Prevention-in-Timor-Leste.pdf