Pathway for a Sustainable Financing Mechanism
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- Authors
- PacWastePlus
- Regional project
- Advance Recovery Fees and Deposits
- Country project
- N/A
- Document type
- Factsheet
- Abstract
The development of a sustainable financing mechanism to assist with funding the sound management of wastes is an opportunity for countries and territories to explore, especially given the current level of donor support on waste management.
The proposed pathway for sustainable financing mechanism outlines 21 priority steps around the topics of:
i) identification of the need for legislation
ii) research
iii) political will and support
iv) preliminary systems concept
v) feasibility study
vi) consultation
vii) confirmation of sustainable finance system design
viii) legal drafting
ix) implementation
x) monitoring, evaluation, and auditing.
It is envisaged that the Secretariat will assist Members to implement as well as coordinate this Pathway through the Cleaner Pacific 2025 and capitalising on current donor-funded projects such as the PacWastePlus programme, GEF ISLANDS, SWAP and JPRISM II as well as any new projects that would be mobilised as part of the proposed pathway - Attachments