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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific

Research Report
Volume 2: Literature Review Research Report: Assessment of Alternatives to Single Use Disposable Diapers
Research report that provides details on the background of single-use disposable diapers and alternative infant hygiene garments and review of global policies addressing single-use disposable diapers management

Research Report
Volume 4: Guidance for Decision Makers – Assessment of Alternatives to Single-use Disposable Diapers Research Report
Guidance for informed decision making for governments when developing policy controls to reduce environmental effects from single-use disposable diapers, while balancing social and economic factors

Step 1: Implementing an ARDF – Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway
Toolkit: ARD Guiding Documents: To assist countries to design their own effective ARFD schemes, an ARFD toolkit has been developed which is a series of 5 publications. Theses include:
1. Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway - Decisions and Actions Needed
2. ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions,
3. Designing an ARFD Scheme - Key Questions Decision
4. Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
5. Build it yourself- Guidance to Draft an ARFD Policy

Step 2: Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
Toolkit: ARD Guiding Documents: To assist countries to design their own effective ARFD schemes, an ARFD toolkit has been developed which is a series of 5 publications. Theses include:
1. Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway - Decisions and Actions Needed
2. ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions,
3. Designing an ARFD Scheme - Key Questions Decision
4. Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
5. Build it yourself- Guidance to Draft an ARFD Policy

Step 3: Build it Yourself-Designing an ARFD Scheme – Key Questions and Decisions
Toolkit: ARD Guiding Documents: To assist countries to design their own effective ARFD schemes, an ARFD toolkit has been developed which is a series of 5 publications. Theses include:
1. Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway - Decisions and Actions Needed
2. ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions,
3. Designing an ARFD Scheme - Key Questions Decision
4. Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
5. Build it yourself- Guidance to Draft an ARFD Policy

Step 4: Example Table of Contents for ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions
Toolkit: ARD Guiding Documents: To assist countries to design their own effective ARFD schemes, an ARFD toolkit has been developed which is a series of 5 publications. Theses include:
1. Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway - Decisions and Actions Needed
2. ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions,
3. Designing an ARFD Scheme - Key Questions Decision
4. Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
5. Build it yourself- Guidance to Draft an ARFD Policy

Step 5: Build it Yourself Guidance to Drafting ARFD Policy
Toolkit: ARD Guiding Documents: To assist countries to design their own effective ARFD schemes, an ARFD toolkit has been developed which is a series of 5 publications. Theses include:
1. Guidance on the 21 Step Pathway - Decisions and Actions Needed
2. ARFD Policy and Drafting Instructions,
3. Designing an ARFD Scheme - Key Questions Decision
4. Determining Scheme Partners – Roles and Responsibilities
5. Build it yourself- Guidance to Draft an ARFD Policy

Asbestos Management Brief: VANUATU
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for Vanuatu to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.

Asbestos Management Brief: TUVALU
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for Tuvalu to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.
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