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The PacWastePlus programme team is committed to producing meaningful and valuable publications and resources that provides guidance for improving waste management in the Pacific

Webinar Report: Sustainable Financing for Waste Management
Report on an interactive webinar held on 28 June 2022, which presented opportunities for Pacific Island Countries to undertake peer-to-peer learning on the implementation or expansion of a Sustainable Financing for Waste Management scheme, and the launch of the Sustainable Financing for Waste Management in the Pacific community of practice on the Green Forum.

Recommended Procedures: Disposal and Landfilling of Asbestos Containing Wastes
This Recommended Procedures for the Disposal and Landfilling of Asbestos Containing Wastes is designed to provide accessible, practical advice to a broad range of parties who have a responsibility or duty of care in regard of exposure to asbestos or Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).

Model Asbestos Management Code of Practice
This Model Asbestos Management Code of Practice is designed to provide accessible, practical advice to a broad range of parties who have a responsibility or duty of care in regard to exposure to asbestos or Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). This includes those with responsibility for or involvement in legislation, worker health and safety, and any Work Involving Asbestos.

Model Asbestos Management Policy
This Model Asbestos Management Policy was developed to assist governments across the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste to formulate asbestos policies and promote a consistent approach to asbestos management and is designed for governments to adopt an existing asbestos management policy or develop a new one.

Benefits of a Sustainable Financing System for Waste Management
Sustainable Financing systems, such as the Cook Islands Advanced Recovery and Disposal Fee, are legislative instruments designed to create a way to sustainably fund waste management and recycling. These systems are used successfully around the world to encourage the recovery of end-of-life products and to ensure governments have access to enough funds to divert recoverable items from landfills and into reuse or recycling. Five schemes are currently in operation in the Pacific, with many other countries actively designing systems for implementation.

Programme Governance Document
PacWastePlus Steering Committee Meeting Report 2022
The Project Steering Committee is established to guide the development and implementation of the PacWastePlus Programme, ensuring a fair and reasonable decision-making process for project priorities and funding allocations. The committee meets on an annual basis to discuss project activity and confirm forward activity for 12 months. The 2022 Steering Committee Meeting, themed “Implementation and Commitments”, was held as a virtual event (zoom meeting) due to the continued travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Due to the online meeting format, the steering committee meeting was a focused 4 hours meeting that provided high-level discussions on activities. The following report provides a summary of discussions and provides details of the various project activities presented at the meeting

Technical Report
Niue Waste Audit Report
The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.

Policy Guidance Report: Waste Licensing and Environmental Monitoring Policy – Pacific Island Countries and Territories
The intent of this publication is to develop draft policy and legislative drafting guidance informed by a literature review to help participating countries undertake their own respective legislative reform processes.

Template Policy: Waste Licensing nd Environmental Monitoring Policy – Pacific Island Countries and Territories
This template policy is to support country governments in the development of new legislation or the review of existing legislation that facilitates regulation of waste activities, data collection, and reporting activities

A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementation: Waste Licensing & Environmental Monitoring
This booklet provides a simple step-by-step guide to help inform policy makers in the Pacific Island countries of the high-level process needed to implement an effective waste licensing legislation supported by appropriate environmental monitoring requirements.

Technical Report
Timor-Leste Waste Audit Report
The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.
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