Asbestos Management Policy and Regulation for Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste
Resource Information
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- Authors
- PacWastePlus
- Regional project
- Asbestos
- Country project
- N/A
- Document type
- Booklet
- Abstract
Justification brief for leaders (includes both policy and regulation opportunities)
This document is designed to assist PacWastePlus participating countries to implement legislative instruments that ban the importation of asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs).
This document provides:
• Introductory information on asbestos, its impacts on human health, and current management asbestos management practices
• Information on the regulatory, and non-regulatory activities that can be implemented to reduce exposure risk from asbestos and ACM
• Justification for executing an ACM ban both through policy and regulation.
- Attachments