Regional Project
School Education
Schools Curriculum Development

Schools Curriculum Development
Through this regional project we intend to involve and emphasise the important role that schools play as an educational agent sensitising the future generations on waste management

Project Description
We intend to empower teachers by providing technical knowledge on waste and waste management and spread waste management education wide across schools in the region by developing a comprehensive approach through curriculum development. The incorporation into standard school subjects can then be easily undertaken by countries depending on their ability and intention to do so.
What will this project do?
The following activities will be undertaken for the rollout of this regional project:
- Research existing school curriculum on waste management
- Development of TOR and engagement of a consultant to develop appropriate curriculums post consultations with countries
- Mainstreaming into existing school subjects for:
- Primary school education-problem based activity
- Secondary school education-culturally responsive
- Tertiary school education-culturally responsive
Training and capacity building opportunities for teachers
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School Curriculum
Pacific Waste Curriculum Toolkit
Thinking about our waste, and where it goes once, we have thrown it away, is often the last thing on students’ minds. This toolkit aims to provide teachers across the Pacific with resources and activities that will allow them to increase awareness of the issues surrounding waste generation and disposal, as well as enabling students to plan and implement strategies appropriate to their schools, homes, and communities to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
This toolkit has been created for teachers/educators in the Pacific region. It has been designed to complement existing curricula in the region. This curriculum package comprises of the following 9 Units:
1. What is waste?
2. Waste in my country
3. Reducing Waste
4. Waste as a Resource
5. Waste at School
6. E-Waste
7. Waste in our Waterways
8. Waste in the Ocean
9. Advocacy and Action for Change
Each unit comprises several lessons with lesson plans that outline the scope and sequence of lessons. Lessons progress by stages and subject matter. Lessons can be taught in a sequence, or lessons selected to suit your own teaching needs.
This Resource Guide provides an overview of the lessons, resources and activities, subject area, and age-group categories available to you under each unit. The activities provided have been developed with the Pacific teaching and learning context in mind and is specifically designed for each of the 15 participating PacWastePlus programme countries.