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Regional Project Organics

Organics Management

Organic material is biodegradable matter such as kitchen scraps (food); garden cuttings, grass and branches; and paper. Combined data from 13 waste audits in the Pacific found that approximately 40% of waste disposal to our landfills and dumps is organics. When processed correctly (in an “aerobic” or oxygen-filled environment), organic materials can produce valuable nutrient rich products, such as compost, suitable for soil enhancement and food cultivation. However, when intermingled with other waste and disposed in a landfill or dump (an “anaerobic” environment), organic material can release toxic leachate and generate methane gas.

Project Description

The purpose of this regional project is for Pacific stakeholders, now and into the future, to have practical and resources and decision-support needed to design and implement their own effective organics management solutions, appropriate for their own context and communities. Fiji, FSM, RMI, and the Solomon Islands have chosen organics as a priority or secondary priority of their PacWastePlus country project.

What will this project do?

The Organics regional project will review existing Organic facilities from the region, undertake technical research, and adopt findings and resources from Country Projects to develop:

  • a “Minimum Standard” technical framework for countries to have as a resource when designing and operating their own organics processing facility
  • a “decision guidance resource/tool” – to guide informed decision making around processing system design/technologies, size and equipment requirements, operational processes, etc to suit any context and scale
  • on-line training package to guide the application of “decision guidance resource/tool”
  • resources to communicate with and empower communities to convert their organic “waste” to a valuable “resource” using appropriate solutions available (i.e., backyard, on-farm, community-level, or national-level organics processing).

Project resources

Browse through all the resources published from this project.

Frequently asked questions

  • 40% waste disposed to landfill – “anaerobic”
  • In-country solutions exist – “aerobic” processing
  • Many benefits:
  • Saves landfill capacity
  • Reduces leachate and methane gas
  • Makes a valuable nutrient rich product
  • Soil enhancement
  • Food cultivation, climate resilience
  • Business opportunities
  • Project designed to increase knowledge/ expertise to implement organics solutions
  • Research – social and technical
  • Pilot studies
  • Resources – package to enable design and implementation of your own organics’ solution:
  • How to develop business case
  • How to design and construct facility
  • How to operate – manual, checklist
  • Learnings from case studies