News - Dec 14, 2021 Sustainable Management of Organics and Recyclables in Gizo Moves Ahead

A sustainable solution to assist the Solomon Island’s Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECCDMM) to have an effective and self-funding solution for the collection and processing of organic waste and recyclables moved a step closer with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between the Solomon Islands’ Gizo Town Council, Western Province and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) on 13 December 2021.
The MoU signed by both Mr Charles Kelly OBE, Town Clerk of the Gizo Town Council and the SPREP Director General, Mr Kosi Latu defines the project partnership and permits the commencement of planned project actions in the Solomon Islands.
The signing of this MoU formally allows to progress implementation of an innovative and sustainable solution for Solomon Islands organic and recyclables management. The MoU provides a framework of cooperation, agreed project actions and responsibilities between SPREP and the Gizo Town Council to work in partnership and implement project actions.
Solomon Island’s MECCDMM is utilising PacWastePlus investment to introduce new systems that improve the management of organic waste and recyclables.
Without viable options for the recovery of organic wastes and recyclables, these items are either landfilled, burnt, or dumped into the environment in the Solomon Islands. As a result of current management arrangements, critical landfill space is fast running out while methane and leachates are generated following the decomposition of organic matter in an anaerobic environment.
The Solomon Islands project will introduce an organic processing programme in Honiara Market, construct an organic processing facility and establish a marketing strategy. Project actions will include the design and implementation of an organic processing programme in Gizo that will collect and compost all organic waste generated at the Gizo Central Market.
The project investment will introduce an Advance Recovery Fee & Deposit (ARFD) system and legislation in the Solomon Islands to improve the recycling rate in the country and assist in the establishment of a recyclable collection centre in Gizo.