News - Dec 14, 2021 Solomon Islands National Working Group Discusses ARFD Scheme

A National Working Group has been established in the Solomon Islands to assist the MECDMM in the design of the Solomon Island’s Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit (ARFD) scheme, which will enable sustainable self-funded collection and export of household recyclable items and end-of-life electronic waste, providing a long-term alternative to the current practice of disposal and stockpiling.
This group, comprising stakeholders from MECDMM, Custom Authority, Attorney General Office, and recycling companies, had its first meeting in early October 2021.
A multi-ministry approach to the design of such systems is key to ensure that all components are considered, and the scheme is designed appropriately for the Solomon Islands.
The Working Group will consider factors such as what items the scheme will include, how the scheme will best fit in the legislative environment, how it will best be managed by Customs, Treasury, and other key stakeholders, and how it can be designed to ensure it is socially inclusive to local communities.
A feasibility study, support from PacWastePlus, investigating options for an Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit has been completed with findings of the study to be reviewed by the Working Group with a path forward for the implementation of the sustainable financing scheme.