News - Oct 18, 2021 Solomon Islands National Waste Audit Commences

PacWastePlus Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) commenced the national waste audits in the Solomon Islands on 4th October 2021 with Ranadi Landfill being the first site audited.
This audit will assess waste that is landfilled and stockpiled in 16 sites across seven provinces. Additionally, the audit will also assess the import and export data for the country. Once auditing is completed in Guadalcanal province, the national audit team will move to audit selected sites in other provinces namely, Central, Malaita, Makira, Temotu, Western, Choiseul, and Isabel.
The national audit team is made up of officers from MECDM and Honiara City Council that were trained through the CEFAS funded audit in 2018. This audit will complement the CEFAS funded audit conducted in the Solomon Islands in 2019.
It is anticipated that the combined findings of both audits will support MECDM’s decision-making in ensuring sound waste management in the Solomon Islands. The audit is anticipated to be completed within three months.
(Image credit: Solomon Islands office of Environment and Conservation Division)