News - Jun 13, 2022 Progress on Feasibility Study to Design National End-Of-Life Tyre Recycling System

The PacWastePlus Programme Management Unit is currently working with the Solid Waste Management Division to finalise a consultancy’s Terms of Reference for a feasibility study that will design a national End-Of-Life Tyre recycling system for Palau.
This system will create a market in Palau that will allow for End-of-Life Tyre to be repurposed in-country and solve the current stockpiling issue attributed to the absence of proper management infrastructures and high export cost for environmentally sound management.
The second component of Palau’s country project is the design and implementation of a self-financing mechanism that supports local authority efforts on the safe and sustainable recovery, and recycling of EOLT, without reliance on government funds.
Other activities for the country project will include training of local officers on the implementation of the End-Of-Life tyres management system and facilitating education and awareness activities.