News - Dec 20, 2023 Programme Completes Consultations and Waste Audits in 25 village communities in Fiji

The programme is progressing with project activities in Fiji that will introduce waste segregation and community-based composting programmes into 25 pilot villages across nine provinces.

The pilot projects to improve the management of organic waste by designing and constructing small-scale community-based compost facilities with the assistance of the iTaukei Affairs Board and the Provincial Council Office completed community consultations and waste audits in all of the targeted communities in Fiji.

In November 2023, the programme facilitated consultations in two villages in the northern division, three villages in the western division, and five villages in the eastern division. The programme has now completed consultations with the remaining 15 communities across the identified villages in Fiji. Through these engagements, the programme obtained community buy-in and a better understanding of the type and volume of waste generated in each of the communities.

Participating community members learnt about what waste is, the different waste streams, the impact of waste on local communities and the environment, the safe disposal methods of each waste stream and how the PacWaste Plus project is assisting in the improvement of the Organic waste stream in identified communities.

Apart from facilitating awareness of waste management, the consultations also enabled the programme to get concurrence from community members to progress the design and construction of community-based organic composting facilities in the 9 villages.

A clean-up campaign was also conducted in Buca village, located in the northern division, as part of the awareness to the villagers of the impact of improper disposal of waste.

The programme team will continue to work with national stakeholders to improve the management of organic waste in identified communities.


Community Consultations Photos