News - Dec 19, 2022 Programme Facilitates Stakeholder Consultation in Palau

During a country mission held in November, the programme team worked with the Solid Waste Management Division, the technical focal point of the programme in Palau, to facilitate a stakeholders consultation.
The workshop was designed to raise awareness of PacWastePlus activities in the country, and at the same time, solicit comments and commitment from project partners to confirm project activities, identify responsibilities of different national stakeholders, and draft the National Education and Awareness Plan (NEAP).
Stakeholders present at the meeting agreed to immediately advertising five tenders to progress the design of a End-Of-Life Tyres repurposing programme in Palau.
Following the national consultation, the visiting programme representatives facilitated an additional consultation with educators from the Solid Waste Management Division, Environment Quality Board, and the Koror State Division of Public Works to draft the National Education and Awareness Plan for Palau. The Draft NEAP is currently being peer reviewed before finalisation.