News - Mar 23, 2022 New Working Group ‘Gets to Work’ in PNG

A Working Group of government departments has commenced work in Papua New Guinea, engaging with the Conservation and Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) in the design of an Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit (ARFD) scheme.
PNG is considering the options for an ARFD to provide a self-sustaining, financially viable scheme to enable the collection and export of household recyclable items and other problematic waste, providing a long-term alternative to the current practice of litter and disposal to landfills.
“We have many problematic waste areas in PNG” says Veari Kula at CEPA. “Our recent waste audit shows our recyclers are able to collect and export some of the waste items to a recycling market, but there are many wastes with no solution for recycling. We hope an ARFD can assist by providing a long-term financial ability to collect and recycle these items.”
The Working Group includes Customs Service, Department of Treasury, the Recycling Association, Department of Community Development, Department of Health, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Department of National Planning and Monitoring, and National Capital District Council.
A feasibility study, supported by PacWastePlus, investigating options for an Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit in PNG is currently underway, funded by the PacWastePlus Programme as a KRA Legislative support activity.