News - Dec 15, 2021 New Life for End-of-Life Tyres

A recent Waste Audit in Palau identified that 13,739 m³ of End-of-Life Tyres are stockpiled at the Koror facility, of which 100m³ are shredded tyres. Palau like many Pacific Island countries has limited means to safely dispose of ELT, resulting in ELT being stockpiled, landfilled, or burnt.
To better understand how to improve ELT management in Pacific countries, PacWastePlus did comprehensive research to determine the possible uses or processing options that exist for end-of-life tyres (existing technologies, uses, processes or management activities), assess each use or option for suitability in the Pacific, and highlight the associated benefit(s) and potential issues with its implementation. The research assessed three processing methods for ELT, namely: Non-Processing, Mechanical Processing and Thermal Processing.
Recommendations from this research will be presented to the Solid Waste Management Division and the Environment Quality Protection Board in Palau to choose an option for implementation using investment support from PacWastePlus.
Reports from this assessment will be available on the PacWastePlus website.