News - Nov 8, 2024 National e-Waste management Strategy for Papua New Guinea in the pipeline

The Papua New Guinea Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) has commenced work on the development of a National Strategy to guide the management of e-waste, which is a fast growing waste stream in the Pacific Island Country.
“We are being approached by businesses seeking to establish e-waste processing systems, and need to ensure we understand what they want to do, how we can protect the people and environment of Papua new Guinea, and how we can manage and ensure compliance with our laws,” said CEPA Manager, Mr. Veari Kula.
“The development of the Strategy and associated management guidelines will ensure CEPA is able to undertake its functions for protecting our people and the environment from possible harm from improper management of e-waste.”
The National Strategy will be accompanied by several Guidelines to assist the management of e-waste. These include e-waste management for local governments; guidance on minimum standards for e-waste collection, processing, storage, minor dismantling, pre-processing, full processing, and export; guidelines on e-waste processing facility establishment, needs, and compliance actions; and Guidance on identifying markets for various e-waste commodities and processes to be followed to enable export of materials in compliance with the necessary legislation and MEAs governing these materials.
“These guidelines will enable CEPA to effectively manage e-waste, and communicate with businesses interested in e-waste management, on what we expect them to comply with as they establish their businesses,” Mr. Kula said.