News - Dec 18, 2023 MAWC ‘Chipper’ about the Imminent Arrival of their Wood Chipper

Managing organic material is set to get a lot more efficient for the Majuro Atoll Waste Company (MAWC) in the Republic of Marshall Islands, with the arrival of a new heavy-duty chipper.
The chipper has undergone manufacture modifications to ensure it is fit for purpose for the atoll nation – with a larger engine to manage the expected volume of high fibrous vegetation such as coconut fronds and pandanus. This chipper has now been safely packed and loaded and is en route to Majuro.
The chipper will be used by MAWC to collect organic material from households who can choose to have it blown back on their yards, or taken to the Laura compost facility for processing.
“The organic materials are currently being disposed to the Majuro dumpsite – currently comprising 25% of total volume” says MAWC General Manager Halston deBrum. “By chipping this material and diverting it to the compost facility can not only help us manage the dumpsite, but we can convert this ‘waste’ into a valuable resource that will improve soil quality, water retention, and crop yield for the growers in Majuro.”
Meanwhile, in preparation for the chipper’s arrival, the MAWC compost team continues to process the organic materials that are currently available, learning the best ratios and turning regimes for their local conditions to produce high-quality compost. The team is using a 7-Bay Compost System, turning the material on at approximately 2-week intervals and ensuring it gets hot (above 130°F / 55°C for at least 3 consecutive days) to ensure effective pasteurisation. This is especially important at the moment with a recent outbreak of the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle in Majuro. The finished compost is screened through a 50mm sieve – and is looking fantastic!