News - Mar 23, 2022 Introducing an Advance Recovery and Fee Deposit system in Samoa

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is currently developing a submission to the Government Revenue Board for the introduction of an ARFD system to Samoa.
The submission is based on the outcome of the PacWastePlus funded ARFD feasibility study for Samoa.
An audit of Samoa’s waste stream completed in 2020, identified some 26,900 tonnes of waste is generated annually in the country. The report identified that 23% of waste generated is Paper and Cardboard, 21% is End-of-Life vehicles, 17% Organics3% glass, and 2% PET.
These items are recyclable and are suitable for management via an Advance Recovery and Fee Deposit (ARFD) system. The introduction of a deposit and refund system has the potential to divert 11,157 tonnes of waste from landfills.
The design of the ARFD system is aligned to (i) Section 10 of Samoa’s Waste Management Act 2010 which allows the introduction of a levy to assist with managing waste in the country, and (ii) the National Waste Management Strategy of Samoa (2019-2023).
Items proposed to be included in the initial phase of the ARFD system are:
- PET (Plastic) Bottles
- Aluminium Cans
- Fridge/Freezer
- TV
- Laptop
- Washing Machine
- Vehicles
- Tyres
- Car batteries