News - Jun 13, 2022 Enhancing Management of End-Of-Life Vehicles

Bulky waste refers to wastes that are usually too large to be accepted by the regular waste collection and takes up space at the landfill.
End-of-life vehicles and consumer white goods are common forms of bulky waste in all Pacific Island countries.
These items contain Persistent Organic Pollutants often used as fire retardants. With no proper management systems existing in Pacific Island countries, bulky wastes are often discarded in the environment, impacting natural ecosystems and human health.
The PacWastePlus Programme Management Unit will be implementing a regional project that will assist Pacific Island countries to improve the management of End-Of-Life vehicles.
The project will look to produce guidelines that provide information for government, and recycling companies on the proper removal, storage, and handling of potentially hazardous materials from discarded vehicles.
Providing guidance on the safe removal of hazardous materials will help ensure workers’ safety and maximise the recovery of valuable resources.
The PacWastePlus Programme Management Unit is currently working on a Terms of Reference for the regional project and is expecting to engage a consultant in the third quarter of 2022.