News - Jun 29, 2023 Mission Travel to RMI

Diversion of waste out of the Majuro dumpsite is the selected priority of the Environmental Protection Agency and Majuro Atoll Waste Company for PacWaste Plus investment in the Republic of Marshal Islands (RMI).
From a recent landfill audit, waste entering the landfill is approximately 20% organics and 20% paper and cardboard, so the PacWaste Plus investment is designed to focus on solutions for those waste streams – procuring equipment, developing systems, capacity building, and community awareness.
The PacWastePlus programme was excited to progress these activities face-to-face with stakeholders after COVID-related border closures. The PacWastePlus programme was represented by Mr. Bradley Nolan, Programme Manager, and Ms. Hilary Boyes, Technical Waste Project Officer – Resource Recovery.
The Mission enabled consultation with stakeholders, finalisation of details for the implementation of the PacWaste Plus investment, and completion of the first activity on the RMI Implementation Plan – a week hands-on training for Majuro Atoll Waste Company staff on organics processing and operation of the organics facility.
The Mission also supported stakeholder discussions for the draft RMI Product Stewardship Scheme.
Mission Tour Photos (Photo credit: Jellesen Rubon, RMI Environmental Protection Authority)