News - Jun 14, 2022 Asbestos Containing Material Management Resources

PacWastePlus has sent programme country focal points a summary of PacWastePlus asbestos-containing material management resources recently developed that identifies policy and legislative options available for implementing an asbestos-containing material legislative ban in each of the 14 Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste.

These documents have been developed after a review of the Government process in each country and present it as a starting point for a broader discussion on executing a ban on asbestos.

These resources provide an easy-to-use brief on the nature and characteristics of asbestos as well as an individualized path forward for each country to the endorsement of a ban on asbestos imports.  Included with the package was a project schedule, tailored to each country, that illustrated the path forward for the ban as well as the implementation of an asbestos code of practice.

The code of practice defines appropriate and safe processes for the handling, transport, and disposal of legacy asbestos.

See our resources for more information –

Work is underway on the development of a Model Asbestos Management Policy and a Model Asbestos Management Code of Practice.