Event Date - Aug 29, 2022 Sustainable Financing for Waste Management Study Tour to Australia

The purpose of the PacWastePlus / GEF ISLANDS Sustainable Finance Study Tour to Australia, from August 29 - September 9, 2022, is to provide Pacific Island countries with a comprehensive "hands-on" understanding of the Sustainable Financing Systems (Container Deposit Schemes) in operation in Australia to enable findings and learnings to be applied when designing or expanding systems in their countries.

Australia has many excellent examples of Container Deposit Schemes.  The first scheme in Australia was implemented in South Australia in 1977, one of the first continuously operating systems in the world. Container Deposit Schemes are now in operation in Northern Territory in 2012, New South Wales (NSW) in 2017, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in June 2018, Queensland in 2018, and Western Australia in 2020. Schemes in the remaining states are due to commence in Tasmania in 2022 and Victoria in 2023.  Additionally, New Zealand is currently in the design and consultation phase of implementing a scheme.

The Sustainable Finance Study Tour seeks to meet regulators from many of the schemes in operation and undertake a “Deep Dive” with the regulators and operators of the schemes in ACT and NSW.

Activities on the Sustainable Finance Study Tour will also include attendance at WMRR Circular Economy Conference, and case study visits to organics, e-waste, and other community processing centres.

At the end of the Study Tour, each country has the capacity to be the “Champion” for driving their Sustainable Financing System and has completed a Workbook exercise working through options for system design in their own country.


Be part of this exciting journey, as we bring to you digital documentation on the Green Forum, by joining our community of practice group on:  https://thegreenforum.org/group/265/stream