Country Project

The Tuvalu project is focused on delivering waste management improvements for Outer Islands: - the development of a Strategic Plan for asbestos management & the Expansion of the Tuvalu Waste Levy to enable outer islands to gain benefit from this sustainable finance waste management system.

Project Description
Current situation
The 2015 PacWaste Asbestos Assessment completed an analysis of buildings on the capital islands of Funafuti and an estimated 18% of buildings contain Asbestos. Tuvalu currently does not know the location of the Asbestos on eight outer islands.
Funafuti has been operating a “Waste Levy” (Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit) since August 2019. Currently, the items included in the Waste Levy are aluminium cans, PET plastic bottles, glass bottles, and car batteries. This scheme is running successfully. Currently, the outer islands do not have facilities to be involved in this system, so all items are going to the island dumps (currently making up >20% of waste in the dumps).
What is the Tuvalu Project About?
The development of a Strategic Plan for asbestos management and through the following actions:
• Develop national legislation to ban the importation/use of Asbestos Containing Materials in Tuvalu
• Inspect buildings on all islands to identify the quantity/location of Asbestos and using results, provide a plan for its long-term management
• Provide education and awareness on living safely with Asbestos in the short-term
Expansion of the Tuvalu Waste Levy and through the following actions:
• Assist build small Waste Levy sheds “depots” on each island so all our communities can:
• claim their Waste Levy refunds (social/economic benefits)
• have a cleaner environment (environmental benefits)
• have equal access to waste facilities so recyclable items can be transported back to Funafuti (and onwards) for recycling
Future situation
Tuvalu to have no more asbestos arriving into the country and an understanding of location and quantity of Asbestos in the outer islands to enhance long-term management, and have all communities provided facilities to participate in the Waste Levy, receiving the financial and environmental benefits.
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Research Report
Tuvalu National Waste Audit Analysis Report
This Waste data collation, analysis and reporting for the Tuvalu National Waste Audit Analysis Report was guided by the overarching Regional Waste Data Collection, Monitoring, and Reporting (DCMR) Framework for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICT).

Mid-Term Evaluation PacWaste Plus Programme – Tuvalu Project Evaluation Brief
The Pacific – European Union Waste Management (PacWaste Plus) Programme has completed an external Mid-Term Evaluation. The evaluators from NIRAS International Consulting have produced a suite of products highlighting the Mid-Term Evaluation findings. This country brief highlights the mid-term review findings for the Tuvalu PacWaste Plus project.

Asbestos Management Brief: TUVALU
The PacWastePlus Regional Asbestos Project will support countries in executing solutions, both legislative and policy-driven, to prevent exposure to asbestos fibre, and thereby reduce asbestos-related diseases. This document provides guidance for Tuvalu to progress work on the development and implementation of a National ACM ban with this resource providing background information, identifying policy and legislative options available.
Frequently asked questions
- By 2023, have adopted appropriate regulations to eliminate the importation of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) into Tuvalu
- By 2023, have adopted a Strategic Action Plan which details long-term management (eventual removal), of ACM from all islands of Tuvalu (based on a detailed ACM assessment in all islands)
- By 2023, households and relevant agencies in Tuvalu’s outer islands employing appropriate precautions to reduce exposure to potential health effects associated with ACM
- ACM is present in Tuvalu due to a history of it’s use in construction – an estimated 18% of buildings contain ACM ( Funafuti) but lack of understanding of exact locations
- Lack of awareness of how to live safely with ACM– potential for mismanagement
- Health risk from ACM provides an increased risk to Tuvalu’s people
- Recycling – Funafuti has been operating a “Waste Levy” (Advance Recovery Fee and Deposit) since August 2019. Currently, the items included in the Waste Levy are aluminium cans, PET plastic bottles, glass bottles, and car batteries. This scheme is running successfully. Currently, the outer islands do not have facilities to be involved in this system so all items are going to the dumps (currently making up >20% of waste in the dumps).
- Eliminate future import of ACM into Tuvalu to eliminate exposure and health risks over time
- Accurate information on quantity/location of ACM obtained and Strategic Plan for its ultimate removal developed
- Households understand how to ‘live safely with asbestos’ to reduce exposure and potential health risks in the short-term
- Assist build small Waste Levy sheds “depots” on each island (attached to the new tractor sheds) so all our communities can:
• claim their Waste Levy refunds (social/economic benefits)
• have a cleaner environment (environmental benefits)
• have equal access to waste facilities so recyclable items can be transported back to Funafuti (and onwards) for recycling