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Country Project Timor-Leste


The National Directorate for the Environment under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Environment and the Ministry of Health seek to utilise PacWastePlus funds to implement several interconnected activities.

Project Description

Current Situation
The exposure to wastes generated in health care facilities has direct health impacts on the community, the personnel working in healthcare facilities, and the environment. Poorly handled medical wastes by health care professionals, and waste management personnel have led to an elevated chance of disease and sickness. Improper management of healthcare wastes (through open burning) on land adjacent to hospitals is leading to large areas of contaminated land, unusable for other purposes, and in need of remediation.

What is the Timor-Leste Project About?
The Timor-Leste country project seeks to:
• create a national policy for the management of healthcare wastes that support local hospital healthcare waste management planning
• enhance capacity building leading to proper planning for healthcare waste handling and disposal, support for waste transport infrastructure, and the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and
• undertake the clean-up of soils/debris from the improper disposal and land surface burning of medical waste in the fields adjacent to Baucau Hospital

Future Situation
Land and water pollution caused by contaminated burn fields at Baucau Hospital is no longer an issue due to the removal of waste from those burn fields. Inappropriately managed healthcare waste from Guido Valadares National Hospital (Dili); Baucau Referral Hospital (Baucau); Maliana Referral Hospital (Maliana); Suai Referral Hospital (Suai); and Maubisse Referral Hospital (Maubisse) is eliminated as hospital healthcare waste management plans are enacted.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Develop a National Healthcare Waste Strategy for the period  of 2021-2026
  • Execute removal of contamination caused by historic open burning of healthcare waste at Baucau hospital.
  • Create and execute regional hospitals healthcare waste plans to better handle, control and dispose of health care waste.

PacWaste conducted a healthcare waste management baseline survey in April 2014; the survey identified the need for improved storage, treatment, and disposal solutions for healthcare waste across the country. There is a significant need to complement complete previous works and support the implementation of sustainable waste management in Timor-Leste’s healthcare industry.

  • National Healthcare Waste Strategy Existed and properly applied to the National, Regional, and Municipality Hospitals.
  • Significant improvements in healthcare waste management, execution of policies, and awareness-raising of properly healthcare waste disposal practices.
  • Totally free from contaminated infection diseases as part of proper disposal practices.