Private Industry

How can you work with us?

Pacific Island Countries are faced with the increasing issue of stockpiles of solid waste, hazardous waste, and low-value recyclable materials. These items are imported into our islands as consumer goods and packaging, building materials, household items, vehicles, electronics, etc. But once they have passed their useful life, we are faced with limited viable options for their recycling in-country or exporting to recycling markets. As such, the items often get disposed in overflowing landfills, unlined dumps, and vacant land, posing a potential hazard to human health and the environment.

We work with the waste industry and private companies

If your company buys or accepts waste products for appropriate recovery, recycling, or approved disposal, we are creating a register of waste receival companies that can be accessed by governments or waste management service providers in the Pacific Region, so they can identify whom to contact to negotiate sale or trades on the commodities they have collected.

Our companies who receive materials for recycling or managed disposal
Our companies that can provide waste management infrastructure suitable for use in the Pacific

View our register of private companies

We cater to both companies that provide waste services and infrastructure, and also companies that receieve waste materials.

Companies offering technology

This database provides a list of proven (and suitable for the pacific context) technology providers that may be able to provide, either in-country management of waste/recyclable items (i.e., technology for collecting and processing waste products to enable export), or in-country recycling of waste/recyclable items (i.e., technology for recycling or processing/converting item into a new product that has value in region).

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Companies accepting waste

This database provides a list of overseas (both within and external to the region) recycling companies who are certified and have indicated their desire to accept waste/recyclable products from PICs for appropriate recovery or approved disposal. The intent of this database is to help Pacific Islands counties identify possible overseas markets for their waste products.

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Frequently asked questions

To connect member countries with potential solutions and opportunities to consider for the recycling and management of these items, PacWastePlus has established:

Database of Overseas recycling companies able to receive certain waste/recyclable items from Pacific islands

This database will provide a list of companies (both within and external to the region) who are certified and able to accept waste/recyclable products from PICs for appropriate recovery or approved disposal and will help with identifying possible markets for waste products. You will be able to view this under our Solutions Page – Companies accepting waste

To connect member countries with potential solutions and opportunities to consider for the recycling and management of these items, PacWastePlus has established:

Database of technology solutions for the In-Country management or recycling of waste/recyclable items

The database will provide a list of proven technology providers that may be able to provide in-country management solutions (i.e., technology for collecting and processing waste products to enable export), or recycling (i.e., technology for recycling or processing/converting item into a new product that has value in the region) for various waste/recyclable items.  It will help identify technology suitable to recycle problem wastes. You will be able to view this under our Solutions Page – Companies offering technology

The creation and maintenance of these registers on our upcoming dedicated programme website will enable member countries, and the waste industry, to access up-to-date information on companies able to provide technological support, or an active market to accept wastes from the region, facilitating the diversion of these products from landfill, and providing more opportunity for countries to access the Moana Taka Partnership to ship these products from the region to a recovery market.

Please note that provision of company details and inclusion on the register does not imply that SPREP, PacWastePlus, or any of its donors, agents, or employees are endorsing the services provided, or quality of processes undertaken


Does your company provide waste management and recycling technological support?

We are interested in providing member countries with easy to access information on companies that either accept waste materials, or can supply waste management technology – register your companies details here.